Suggestion : Clickable ingame Map with location icons
Hi, i'm new to the forum and the game; however, a quick use of the search feature didnt turn up anything i felt was silular to what i'd like to see.
What I would like to see is the ability for the user to click on the ingame map and enter information such as there is a collector at this location, or this boss is here, or there is such and such at this location. I know there is a 3rd party application outside of the game that can do something like this, but it is very limited in scope.
As an ASP/PHP/MySQL developer I could make a web-based solution to do what i am asking rather quickly, but it wouldn't help much as it would exisit out of the game.
I'd imagien each of your locations could be saved to the local computer so they do not take up any bandwidth with the main anet server. You could also create the icons and share with each other, but only the sightseeing type would show if you haven't explored that area yet. Sort of a way to get people out there exploring.
What do you all think of this idea. Like I said it wouldn't very very hard to implement outside of the game, and i'd be more then willing to assit the developers in getting it to work inside the game.
Mainly because my little clipboard of maps and sightseeing locations is getting messy and an ingame solution would clear things up and help everyone else.